Note: The Spring Grass upgrade's actual function decreases chick growth time to three hours.

With their bellies full, hens will produce eggs twice as fast. Spring grass attracts scuttle bugs that chickens just love to eat. Great for keeping chickens in and hungry slimes out. Note: A Coop guarantees a hen will produce an egg when a check is made in range of a roostro. Keeping chickens in their place prevents the uprising. But give them room and watch the love bloom. Just remember to avoid crowding the coop: chickens won't reproduce when in close proximity to more than a dozen other hens or roostros. Coops keep hens and roostros close, allowing for maximum egg-laying potential. Though, I think the fact you can see each region and its significant landmarks from Rainbow Valley is cool.Though many ranchers simply let their chickens roam the ranch, a coop is the tool of a serious poultry producer. The way you enter each environment is just by walking through a portal, which I think diminishes a little bit from the presentation of entering a new region that you experienced in the first game. The only minor nitpicks i have really is The starting area in Ember Valley doesn't have much to look at, just a lot of dull yellow grass and gray cliff faces. If you're just wanting more of the same Slime Rancher experience, this game is perfect for you.

Overall, would very highly recommend it in its current form. Science and resource collecting is available from the start, and I like the changes they made to resource collection, where instead of creating a machine, placing it in an area, and waiting for it to slowly expel resources like the first game, in here you just siphon resources from various deposits scattered around the place that regenerate by the next time you visit. Ranching slimes is pretty much the same as ever, though without the automation drones at the moment. This combined with how beautiful everything is really makes wondering around an absolute treat. The environments are drop dead gorgeous, and every turn is background material.Īnd they did Not forget about exploration, as each region is Littered with secret passage ways, collectibles, and gordos. The soundtrack is phenomenal, I love the whimsical music in Rainbow Island, It was fantastic in the original game and it's fantastic here, each track perfectly going with the region it plays in. Everything in this game is on-par with, if not an improvement to the first game.

I love the first game a lot, and by god I love Slime Rancher 2 a lot as well.